在烤土司上頭看到耶穌像已經不足為奇,有位美國建築專家埃內斯托‧赫爾南德斯(Ernesto Hernandez)日前到賓夕法尼亞州的度假別墅吃晚餐時,意外發現一塊雞胸肉上顯示的圖案,竟然像極耶穌,他也興奮的立即告知親朋好友這個驚奇發現。
其實人會在其他物品中看見人臉是很正常的,這種現象被稱為「空想性錯視」(Face pareidolia)。多倫多大學發展神經學家李慷(Kang Lee)表示,人的大腦有辨識「臉」的功能,即使五官特徵很少,但是人腦也會自動將看到的特徵辨識成人臉。
Ernesto Hernandez was just about to bite into a chicken breast Friday night when he saw something bizarre.
"I was about to bite my piece and it looked right at me," Hernandez, 49, told HuffPost Weird News.
The chicken itself wasn't looking at Hernandez, but a strange image of a bearded man that possibly resembles Jesus certainly was.
"Everyone I show this too says it looks like Jesus without me saying anything," Hernandez said. "I don't want to say it looks like Jesus, but it's the personification of what people think he looks like. My sister, who is more cynical, says it looks like Charles Manson."
It's said that God will never give a person anything they can't handle, but figuring out how to preserve the possibly sacred piece of poultry has been a challenge for Hernandez.
"We don't know what to do," he admitted. "It's in the fridge, but it's starting to dry up and doesn't look as much like Jesus."
This isn't the first time Jesus and chicken have connected on the weird news front.
The Church by the Sea in Madeira Beach, Florida, is also known as the "Chicken Church" thanks to a photographer who noticed that, from just the right angle, the structure's round windows look like eyes and its roofing tiles resemble wings and a beak.
It's rare for the image of Jesus to appear in chicken, but not uncommon for people to see faces in random objects, a condition known as face peridolia.
Dr. Kang Lee, a psychologist at the University of Toronto, who released a study of face peridolia earlier this year, told HuffPost that "human brains are uniquely wired to recognize faces, so that even when there's only a slight suggestion of facial features the brain automatically interprets it as a face."
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